How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Dress


The time and place of the wedding can help you focus on searching for the perfect wedding dress. For instance, will it be a daytime ceremony? In such a case, you can avoid gowns with dramatic embellishments and long strains. If the wedding will be in church, you should avoid anything that appears it is worn to a cocktail party. Most fabrics can be put on throughout the year, but some such as organdy and linen are ideal for warm weather. You can find them at Prestije Mode Berlin. For winter, you should try brocade and velvet.

Set a Budget

perfect wedding dressYou need to determine the amount of money you want to spend. In this way, you will not lose your heart and get carried away to purchase a dress you cannot afford. You should note that the wedding dress, undergarments, and other accessories account for about 10% of the total wedding cost. It is advisable to factor in some extras such as alterations that may cost a few hundreds of dollars plus shipping fees.… Read the rest